Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Weekend Wear

OK I’ve been sitting staring at my laptop for about 20 minutes trying to think of something to say, but nothing is coming! Normally I can babble on about my outfits endlessly and have to cut out huge paragraphs of waffle, but today is not the case. I could wait until I’ve thought of something interesting to type, but I really love this outfit and I want to share it right now!

So just enjoy these pictures and marvel at my newly op shopped Moschino bag.

Top: Zara
Culottes: Vinnies Claremont $7
Bag: St Lukes Op Shop $6
Hat: Op Shop
Bracelets: Op Shop
Shoes: Melissa
Sunglasses: Karen Walker - Betsy


  1. I'm having that exact same problem right now actually! ...and then went on bloglovin to escape from it! hehe ;)
    Love this outfit! Green looks fab on you and I love that hat! What a great find!

    Lauren xx

    1. haha I'm glad I'm not the only one then!! xx
