Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Camping Detox

It’s amazing what 8 days in the bush can do to a girl! After spending last week camping and wearing shorts, sunscreen and not much else, I have come home to look at my wardrobe with fresh eyes. I was getting a little bored with it all and have been hanging out for cooler weather so I can start wearing some different things. But being deprived of mascara and forced to wear practical shoes for a week is all it took to spark my enthusiasm for my summer clothes again.

I’ve been worrying lately that my style isn’t ‘cool’ enough. Why can’t I dress like those off-duty model/blogger types, carelessly toting a $700 clutch, an origami skort and wearing a beanie plopped on top of a perfect blow dry? Why can’t I be that person for a day?!* 

I’m not a perfectly groomed individual and that’s OK, I've come to terms with it (most of the time!). Today I woke up and wanted to dress up like a over-sized toddler and that’s also OK! This outfit is very girly and a bit twee, but after a week in the wilderness I was itching to wear something lady-like, this skirt jumped out at me because, hello, it’s pink and covered in flowers! Everything else just kind of fell together and before I knew it I was head to toe in pastel pink. Just before taking these pictures I swapped my existing shoes (yellow wedges) for my leopard shoes, I needed a bit of edge somewhere!  

Knit top – Op shopped
Skirt – Melville Markets (I finally got around to altering the hem)
Shoes – Seed
Bangles – Vintage (gold) and Ted Baker (cream)
Hair clip – Vintage

*Probably because if I have a great hair day, there is no way I’m covering it up with a hat!

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