Tuesday, 2 December 2014

12 Outfits of Christmas

Happy December Second! I meant to publish this post yesterday, but I forgot! Oops! That's my summer brain kicking in already! Last December I shared my (very originally titled) 12 Outfits of Christmas on the blog. It’s pretty straight forward… 12 outfits, all Christmas themed, many novelty brooches and red/white/green striped items are involved. It’s awesome.

I’ve decided to repeat this excellent feature. The next four weeks are jam packed with holiday parties, Christmas celebrations, birthdays and general festive cheer. I have many events to attend and lots of fun outfits to plan. I love a good theme and Christmas is the ultimate!

My brain is a little fried after a long weekend sunning myself on Rotto but as you can see from these pictures, my summer is off to a good start! I’m so excited for everything the next month brings...

December, I love you!

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