
Thursday 30 July 2015

Buy Nothing New

So you may remember back in January I pledged to Buy Nothing New for a whole year. Well, I’m half way there!! It’s officially six months of buying nothing new, and I’m pleased to say that except for one tiny slip up, I haven’t bought anything brand new for six whole months. So have I actually learnt anything? YES I HAVE...

1. I love to shop (duh) and even though I’m not buying new stuff, I’m still getting my retail fix through op shopping. Plus I get the same buzz out of shopping for other people as I do for myself. I JUST WANT TO BUY ALL OF THE STUFF (I’m a terrible consumer).

2. You can find almost anything you want second hand on eBay. Seriously, whenever I’ve suddenly decided I MUST OWN a certain piece of clothing or a particular accessory I’ve been able to track it down on eBay for a fraction of the price. That’s how I’ve managed to almost double my shoe collection this year… oops

3. If you don’t want to buy things then don’t look. This is an obvious one. A few weeks ago I found myself at Garden City looking for a birthday present for a friend. I was in Collette casually sifting through all of their sale jewellery and before I knew it I had bought myself a new necklace and a massive cocktail ring. It was only as I was walking out of the store that I realised I’m not meant to be buying anything. So the necklace and ring were gifted to my friend and I vowed to not go back to Garden City and tempt myself again.

4. This challenge isn’t about money. I thought I’d be saving heaps of coin, but I’m not really and that’s OK. This challenge is teaching me that I really don’t need to rely on shopping centres and department stores for anything. I can find everything I want second hand and I love that. In the past 6 months there has not been a moment were I’ve desperately wanted to hit up Kmart, Myer or Sportgirl. Salvos, Good Sammies and Vinnies maybe, but definitely not the high street chain stores.
5. Shopping from your own wardrobe is fun! This challenge has forced me to look at my existing wardrobe with fresh eyes and style pieces in different ways. I've been wearing items that haven't seen the light of day for ages, like this amazing vintage blouse that was nicked from my Aunt's fabulous collection. It's such a cool top, but also a bit crazy so I don't wear it much, but I'll never part with it. Seeing it sitting in my cupboard collecting dust was all the encouragement I needed to whip it out and wear it to work a few weeks ago!

So that’s my six month challenge up date. It’s never to late to join in the fun and pledge to Buy Nothing New. It’s not that hard, I promise!

Top: Vintage
Skirt: Claremont Vinnies $4
Shoes: Melissa x Karl Largerfeld
Sunnies: Ray Ban

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Life Recently

July has been a fun month, not least because I’m spending the second half of it on holidays! HUZZAH! I’m in Queenstown right now, probably carving up the slopes (or falling flat on my face more likely) and looking fab in my sexy snow gear (that’s also a lie, snow gear is never sexy). The first two weeks of the month flew by as I prepared for my trip and hustled at work to get everything done in two weeks that I’d usually do in a month. Needless to say when I stepped on the plane and threw back my first glass of NZ sauv blanc, I was feeling well and truly ready for a holiday.

So what have I been up to lately?
Eating everything. I'm on holidays baby!
Drinking red wine while snuggled up by the camp fire
Cooking this one pot pasta from A Beautiful mess. I've made it so many times, it's just so easy and delicious
Watching wild horses play on the beach in Queensland and the snow fall in beautiful Queenstown (jealous much!?)
Buying two new pairs of sunnies (these and these) and some gold birks... I went on a bit of an eBay binge, oops!
Wearing my beloved Coach snow boots, I always get SO EXCITED whenever I get the chance to wear them
Reading The Green Rider series by Kirsten Britain, recommended to me by a colleague, they have been the perfect travel books
Avoiding looking at the calendar, only 5 days left of my holiday... why does it always go so fast?! 
Browsing Pinterest for home inspo, we need to purchase a couch for our new house soon!
Needing some budgeting help, I've been struggling to keep on top of my finances and really need to reign in my non-essential spending... any one got any advice?


I've got SO MANY glorious snaps from New Zealand and Queensland to share with you, but I'll wait until I get back and manage to cull and edit them (no one wants to look at 37648 holiday pics, even if they are of magnificent mountains!).

Insta run down...
1. afternoon tea in the winter sun
2. snuggles with Olive (who seems to think she is a lap dog)
3. lunch time walks at work
4. weekend walks with my bestie (and our pooches)
5. holiday count down (I'm in NZ right now!!)
6. Friday arvo G&Ts
7. there's no such thing as too many stripes!
8. travel packing and planning and plotting... my favourite!

Friday 24 July 2015

Leather Legs

I never say never when it comes to my wardrobe, BUT... I honestly NEVER thought a pair of leather pants would EVER feature in my wardrobe. I should really listen to my own advice!

It all started a few weeks ago when my lovely boyfriend accidentally shrunk my beloved black leggings. They were the perfect leggings, perfect thickness, perfect length, perfect fit. To say I was devastated when he pulled them out of the dryer and they were a foot too short is an understatement. I had planned for my those leggings to be a key staple in my Queensland/Queenstown travel wardrobe, so I needed to re-think or re-buy quickly.

As I'm on my Buy Nothing New challenge, a spanner was thrown into the works as I couldn't just go to the shops and buy another pair. So I'd been trawling through op shops for a few weeks hoping to come across a substitute, when I found these leather legging/pants in a consignment store near my work. I tried them on in a fit of desperation and was utterly shocked to see that they actually looked ok... good even.

Suddenly I started imagining all of the outfits I could wear the pants with, all the occasions I could rock some leather leggings at, all the different personas I could channel while wearing said pants... Suddenly I found myself shelling out $90 for a pair of leather pants and considering the average cost per item in my wardrobe is about $6, this was a big investment. I'm pleased to report that I haven't regretted it once. Leather pants, you're alright!

Pants: Fusion Clothing (consignment store)
Jumper: Good Sammies Myaree $5
Jacket: Salvos Osborne Park $15
Scarf: Good Sammies Myaree $3
Hat: Op Shop
Boots: Tony Bianco
Sunglasses: Pared 

P.S I'm off to Queenstown tonight after five fabulous days in Queensland, can't wait to hit the slopes! Follow along with my insta (@inthedressupbox) if you can handle some holiday envy!


Monday 20 July 2015

Two Years!

GUYS GUESS WHAT? It’s my two year blogging anniversary! I’m both surprised that it’s been that long and shocked it’s only been two years. I contemplated doing a round up of my favourite outfits, but I think I’ll save that for another time. Instead I decided to recreate my first ever outfit post… how fun! While trawling through my archives I was quite pleased to note that almost every outfit I’ve shared over the past two years is one I’m proud of and would still wear today. My very first post is no exception. Granted I don’t think I’ve worn this outfit for 2 years, I definitely had no problem slipping it on for dinner and drinks a few weekends ago.

Blogging has been a fun journey. I still get such a buzz out of sharing my outfits and ideas with like minded people. When I’m out op shopping and I find something really cool, I can’t wait to get home and shoot it for the blog. A few awesome opportunities have come my way from blogging, such as being part of the Restyle project last year, and acting as a style ambassador for the Bindaring Red Cross sale. Both of these were such fun to be a part of and are really close to my heart. My involvement in those projects also helped me to realise that I don’t want to be a professional blogger, which was an important lesson to learn. I think a lot of people assume that if you are spending your free time writing a blog, then you are working towards turning it in to a full time job. Well, I can tell you that I am not. I love being able to write what I want, share what I want and stick to my own agenda. If I haven’t worn anything exciting for awhile or don’t have anything to say or have other stuff going on in my life then I don’t have to post anything. Blogging is my hobby and I truly love it, but turning it into a career isn’t for me (unless someone wants to pay me to do exactly what I’m already doing!)

That’s not to say that I don’t want to improve my blog and write new and creative content. I do! Sometimes I get a bit worried that my readers are going to want different things and get bored of constant outfit posts (and colourful wall backdrops!). But sharing my op shopped outfits is what I do well and I don’t want to branch into something different that isn’t my passion just because I feel the need to diversify.

When I think about my blog and what kind of content I should be creating, I always try to think about the posts I love to read from other bloggers, and I gotta be honest and say that my very favourite blog posts are those which are about personal style (and aren't sponsored!). I love seeing all the amazing, creative, cool outfits girls from all over the world are putting together, they inspire me to be bolder and braver with my own style and to try new and different things. They also constantly remind me that fashion is meant to be fun and frivolous and not taken so seriously. So I kind of hope that's what my little blog is doing too, putting some wacky and wild (and some normal) outfits out there and inspiring others to by-pass the department stores and hit up the op shops instead.

I'd love to hear your feedback, what would you, my wonderful readers, like to see on the blog? What are your favourite blog posts to read? What do YOU want? Because with out YOU, I'd just be a weird girl writing about herself and posting pictures for no body. So thank you for reading, for emailing and commenting, for your encouragement and enthusiasm. Thank you for making the last two years in the bloggersphere so much fun!
Skirt: Melville Markets $5
Top: H&M (in Prague, so it’s very exotic!)
Belt: Anglicare Bentley $5
Clutch: Target
Sunglasses: Pared
Shoes: Guess

PS You should totally have a giggle at my first few blog posts… I didn’t really know how to use my camera or edit photos back then.

Friday 17 July 2015

Legally Blonde

Mum and I went to see the WAAPA production of Legally Blonde a few weeks ago. It’s a bit of a tradition of ours, seeing the mid-year musical theatre students perform and MAN were they incredible (just like they are every year). I love the movie Legally Blonde so I was really interested to see how it translated to theatre, it was completely fantastic and so much fun to watch. I really wanted to jump up on stage and start singing and dancing with them.

Back when I was a bright-eyed 17 year old I harboured grand dreams of going to WAAPA to study acting. Unfortunately my lack of talent got in the way, so I settled for being part of the University Dramatic Society while I studied something much more sensible… arts (hahaha joke’s on me). The shows we put on were some of the funnest and funniest times of my life. I skirted around the edges of each production, as part of the chorus or as a minor character with a few lines to remember. I was mesmerised and inspired by the hilarious, witty, exuberant people around me. Watching the WAAPA students reminded me so much of that, you could see how much fun they were all having on stage and it was so infectious. Even in the midst of an awful head cold I came out of the theatre buzzing and wishing the show went on all night.

As it was Legally Blonde I obviously had to wear something pink, my first choice was a newly op shopped Lisa Ho strapless dress, but alas, the weather was particularly awful that night and silk chiffon probably wasn’t the wisest choice. My back up dress being this vintage Laura Ashley number, which did the job perfectly and was very cosy when paired with my navy Alannah Hill trench.

Dress: Laura Ashley, Claremont Vinnies $8
Coat: Alannah Hill, Salvos O’Connor $12
Shoes: Seed*
Sunnies: Pared
Brooch: Op Shop

*I had intended to wear my pink suede heels with this outfit, but on the night of the show I forgot my shoes (don't ask) and had to make do with these leopard flats which were luckily lurking in my car. Moral of the story? Storing several pairs of shoes in the boot of your car is clever not weird.

P.S WAAPA put on heaps of shows throughout the year. Mum and I have been to many of them over the years and they are always fantastic, plus the tickets are so cheap for the quality of the performance. You can see their list of productions here, I’d definitely recommend them!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Travel Outfit - Two Ways

Something slightly different on the blog today… You know how I mentioned in this post that I’m going on holiday to Queensland and Queenstown so I need to pack a very versatile wardrobe to combat the two different climates? Well this stripey cotton dress is the first thing going into my suitcase and I’m going to show you how I plan to style it for the sun and the snow. The dress was recently gifted to me from a lovely friend who regularly culls her fabulous wardrobe and gives it to me (hooray!). It’s so comfortable and versatile, as soon as I slipped it on I knew it would be a perfect piece for my travel wardrobe. Here’s the dress on its own…

and then worn two ways...

So easy to style right?  Look number one is how I’ll wear it in Queensland, relaxed and dressed down. Perfect for wandering around the Sunshine Coast and catching up with my friends and Luke’s family. My converse and denim jacket are my travel staples, they basically come with me whenever I go away.

Look number two is for a day in snowy Queenstown. Layered up with super thick tights, my long wool coat and a cosy beanie I think I should be warm enough to survive the cold. I’ll also probably wear some gloves but I can’t for the life of me find mine, hopefully they turn up before we fly off on Friday, otherwise I’ll have to buy a new pair while I’m over there!

When I’m packing for travel I try to include simple outfits which can be changed easily with different accessories. It’s amazing the difference a sparkly necklace and a cute hat can make to a basic dress!

Outfit 1
Dress: Hand me down (thanks Gerri!!)
Jacket: Salvos Osborne Park $15
Necklaces: Op Shop $3 each
Hat: Op Shop
Bag: Anglicare Fremantle $7
Shoes: Converse
Sunglasses: Karen Walker

Outfit 2
Dress: Hand me down
Jacket: Salvos O’Connor $12
Fur trim: Asos
Tights: Leona Edmiston
Boots: Tony Bianco
Beanie: Hand made
Sunglasses: Ray Ban 
Clutch: Salvos Mt Hawthorne $4

P.S that first picture reveals my outfit photo secret... I'm terrible at doing my own makeup and hair so I almost always cover up dodgy hair/tired eyes with a killer sunnies/hat combo!

Monday 13 July 2015

Spin the Pin

Today I’m doing a bit of a twist on my usual Street Style Steal posts. The lovely Jo from iCurvy launched her own monthly style challenge, which is fairly similar to my idea but encourages everyone to give it a go (damn why didn’t I think of that?!). So I thought this month I would join in the fun and Spin the Pin. Basically Jo selects an image from Pinterest and then asks people to put their own spin on the style. This month the challenge is to reinterpret this image from Not Dress As Lamb

Boy oh boy do I love mixing prints, this challenge is right up my alley! Here’s my interpretation:

I really love this outfit, it was so fun to wear! I started with my newly thrifted tribal print skirt and then added some stripes and a leopard scarf. Mixing prints is pretty easy to pull off, you just need to keep the patterns tonal. My denim jacket anchors the three different prints and stripes basically go with everything, so as busy as this outfit looks it was actually very simple to put together.

I HAD to include my new Karen Walker sunnies with this outfit as well, just another pattern to throw into the mix! You’ve probably noticed I have a somewhat large collection of sunnies, they are truly my weakness. I hardly ever buy them full price though and I was lucky enough to nab these new season Karen Walkers for $80 from eBay. Talk about a bargain, I just couldn’t resist!

What do you think? Will you Spin the Pin this month and giving pattern clashing a go?

Skirt: Good Sammies Subiaco $5
Top: Bindaring Red Cross sale 50c
Jacket: Salvos Osborne Park $15
Scarf: Brooklyn flea market
Clutch: Red Cross Duncraig $8
Shoes: Marni, eBay
Sunglasses: Karen Walker, eBay